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Games and Exercises


What better way to keep students engaged than a game or an exercise. This is Participatory Design.  It can be fun but also requires intense concentration contributing to successful learning.   The right blend of teamwork and competition often yields good and surprising results.



Henry Sanoff Design Grid

Click to download the 4-slide Powerpoint collection

                        Child Center      Design           Senior

   Grid            Playing Pieces   Finished          Pieces

Universal Design Dilemmas -- a Board Game


Graphic designer, writer/editor, and web designer Tyson Taylor has developed a board game to introduce Universal Design to professionals who may not be familar with the term.

Font Exercise

Walk in another's shoes -- a Simulation.  What is it like to be color blind, or start to lose your vision through a catarac or macular degeneration?


Can you read the text on this website?


Click on the icon to your left.

Kitchen Modification

Be the Designer. 


Using "before" photos and a floorplan, identify UD concepts and modify a kitchen to include even more universally designed features and products.


Click on the icon to your left.

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